Sunday, May 4, 2014

Multimedia Connection

In connection to my essay and my project, I had to find comments from people who had watched the movie, Dirty Dancing and what they thought and then link it to my essay White Enough by Richard Dyer. For Many they really like or rather they absolutely loved the movie.
I went on to and found this particular comment out of all of them because while they didn't particularly like the movie as an adult unlike they had remembered loving it as a teenager.

On Dirty Dancing from 1987, received a rating of 6.8 out 10 from 105,885 users. They also have what is called a Metascore and that was a rating of 65 out of 100. The reviews were from 373 users with 80 critics and 20 from
#1 Movie Review
A giant cliché: Just a bad movie
Posted by: Author: texas_031 from United States
They gave it only 1 Star.
Posted on: 19 December 2005
You know, as you get older, you somehow think the movies you did not like when you were younger, might have been because of your youth and inexperience. Case in point, when I saw The Godfather at age 14, I thought it was boring. 20 years later, its an incredible movie to me. In other words, I grew up and began to appreciate great movies.

So I rented Dirty Dancing with my girlfriend last night on her request, as she loved it at age 14 and I hated it at the same age. But I hoped, because I was young and stupid at age 14, perhaps this would be a new experience for me. So I sat down with her to watch, hoping to be enlightened.

Well, the night after watching Dirty Dancing, I feel a violation. I feel like someone reached into my soul and robbed me of 2 hours of my life from watching this cheese fest.

First, Patrick Swayze plays a 20 year old, but he looks like he is 35. And the premise of the movie is him seducing some underage teenager, wooing her with his dance moves. Really Creepy.

Anyway, the movie is the cliché plot where the "wrong side of the tracks" guy and the "rich smart girl" accidentally fall in love with each other. Of course, their romance is fueled by the fact the "rich girl" can't dance a lick, so the "poor hero" teaches her in a week to become an expert dancer for the big end of vacation show, or something like that.

But you guessed it: The disapproving father soon enters and forbids the two to see each other, and the movie progresses to secret meetings of dance lessons and love making. This all culminates into the final scene where the entire resort rallies around the two young lovers while the once antagonistic father accepts the 35 year old dancer as his teen daughter's new man.

Even my girlfriend whimpered at the end of the movie as she admitted it was not anything like she remembered. I didn't press her, but I did smirk a little, and put the Godfather part II in the DVD player.
Now, what I found striking about this review is that he rented this movie as adult even though he knew when he was 14 he hated the movie but knowing his girlfriend loved it he rented it anyways. What I didn't necessarily agree with and I am not saying his opinion is wrong or anything because everyone has a right to their own opinions but I don't think its a cliché plot, I just think its a romance movie with a twist to the plot. What I don't also agree with is and I don't think that they portrayed Baby in the movie or in the book as a "Rich" girl, they did however portrait her as a smart girl, that I will agree with. In the essay it centers around how the Jewish father forbids his daughter to be around "those people" but yet Baby sneaks around behind his back and like the reviewer says the final scene. I don't know if I would go as far as the reviewer and not remember it being like it was when I was 14 and put in a movie like the Godfather, but to each their own!!
#2 Movie Review
 So, the next place I went to find a review regarding the Movie, Dirty Dancing was which I had to also type in Amazon Movie reviews because it would have sent me to the actual site to buy stuff from Amazon. When I finally got to the right place and found the correct Dirty Dancing film from 1987, since there are several films out right now. I found that they gave the film a rating of 6.8 out of 10 with 1,066 reviews on it.

You'll have the time of your life!
5 out of 5 stars rating!!
June 5, 2001

"amyshamrock" (Missouri)
This review is from: Dirty Dancing [VHS] (VHS Tape)

For a PG-13 film, this has got to be the sexiest film I've seen. This movie is a typical love story: girl and guy are different "classes"...girl and guy get together anyway...people object, etc. However, this film manages to get, and keep, your attention through several plot twists. Jennifer Grey stars as "Baby" a spoiled daddy's girl. Baby goes with her family to a resort for summer vacation. There, she meets Johnny Castle (Patrick Swayze), the defiant and seductive dance instructor. Even though Baby is encouraged to learn "lady-like" dances and crafts, her heart's desire is to be a rebel for once in her life & dance like the staff...dirty dancing. When Johnny loses his dance partner, Baby takes over...even though she's never danced like that before. It is obvious that Johnny is not pleased with the arrangement, but decides to endure the torture. During Baby's private dance lessons, the music is great and the chemistry between the two actors is absolutely sizzling! This is very much a "coming-of-age" film. We get to see several characters grow up and learn life lessons quickly in this movie. Although this movie appeals to a younger crowd, my best friend's mother is one of the biggest fans I know!! I was somewhat disappointed with the ending, but overall, this is one of my favorite films of all times. This is a must see & a "must buy"'ll want to see it again and again.
Out of all the reviews that I looked at on the Amazon website, this one really hit home with the essay I read. The author of my essay, Richard Dyer talked through out it about how the were from different classes, just like the lady talks about it in her review. Also, just like in the essay as well as in this review they talk about how there are two different style dances and how Baby from the start was to learn the Good girl dances but she was drawn to the bad boy dances, the dirty dancing. Also they both talk about how especially Baby growing up before our eyes throughout the movie as well in my essay. She starts in the beginning by listening to her father but then she starts to find her way to make her own decisions from helping penny after her procedure to finally showing in a sense that Johnny is not that the bad guy her father thinks he is. The reader in a sense is correct that this movie is for a younger crowd and I believe the book (essay) might be more for a older crowd to fully understand but none the less it is a love story and a story of a girl come in to her own skin and body and standing up for what she believes.
3rd and Final Movie Review!!
The last one that I found for reviews was on and I found the way they do their rating system was quite interesting so I just had to share it with you all.
Tomatometer: 72%
Average Rating 6 out of 10
Reviews Counted: 54
Fresh: 39/ Rotten: 15
Liked it: 90%
Average Rating: 3.7 out of 5
User Ratings: 1,051,705
This I thought was interesting in how they set the introduction to the description of the move:
"A teenage girl learns about love, adult responsibility, and how to do the Dirty Boogie in this Romantic drama." (Eleanor Bergstein)

Daniel P Super Reviewer
3 out of 5 starts
April 15, 2007

Completely anachronistic boilerplate dance film: young person - man this time, played by Patrick Swayze - of lower social class wins heart of upper-class young person (woman, Jennifer Grey) through the power of dance... or something. What made this movie watchable for me was the particularity of its setting; I don't know of any other films set in the Catskills in the 1960s, and buried within it is a story of (Jewish) identity and coming of age, told nostalgically and enjoyably. The bubble bursts when a 1980s song drives the film's finale - selling the soundtrack more than the story, to say the least - but, (along with Saturday Night Fever), it cast the mold for a certain kind of film: the summer sing-and-dance blockbuster. Essential viewing, unfortunately - even for guys like me who don't want to admit it,

While there were many of the same reviews that all said the same things about how they liked the movie and it was all about a love story and Patrick Swayze was this and that. This particular review was right down my alley with my essay and the reviewer Daniel's comments about not only the "lower social class" (Daniel, April 15, 2007) but also everything from the jewish boys, Baby coming in to her skin (or so to say). Also, what was interesting is how the reviewer mentions about Saturday Night Fever and also the author of the essay that I read, Richard Dyer also mentions in the essay about Saturday Night Fever. I just found it interesting that he talks about the same things that correlate with the essay that I read.


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